19 – 31 May 2022
Embodied Wavespell 13 Questions
In this message you will find…
- Happy New Tzolkin Cycle!
- New Wavespell Format
- New Harmonic Module with Dates
- Is the Tzolkin New to You?
- New Tzolkin Daily Planner

Happy New Tzolkin Cycle!
Today, 19 May 2022, an entire new Tzolkin cycle starts until 2 February, 2023. During this first Wavespell, take time to set new goals for the next 260 days. Red Dragon, the underlying theme for the next 13 days, is all about self-care and birthing new things in nurturing ways. What do you want to accomplish in the upcoming roughly nine months?
This is a very special cycle for me as, on July 25 Day out of Time, I turn 52! If you are not familiar with its meaning, turning 52 is a big deal. For the first time since birth, the entire energy pattern repeats itself. Symbolically, life gives the opportunity to “start all over again”, this time from a different place including all the wisdom gained during the first round.
And, it is double particular because this last cycle was challenging for me on a personal level, which I will share about after my birthday.
In the meantime, I am slowly opening up my schedule for sessions and programs with people that work with me on a regular basis and contacting the ones that have been on the waiting list. If you haven’t done it yet and want to have a session/program, please send me an email and I will let you know when I have availability.
New Wavespell Format
After all the teachings our little caterpillar friend (ego) got from the butterfly (soul) during the previous cycle, she is now happy to share with us one of the many lessons she has learned in each Wavespell.
The butterfly at the start of each message is for you to print and color. You can also add doodles, words, affirmations and whatever you get inspired with to embellish it and make it yours.
You will also find the 13 questions for each of the Wavespells days/kins, as an invitation to get in tune with and embody the daily energies in very practical ways.
New Harmonic Module with Gregorian dates
The Harmonic Module is the matrix that contains the 260 days or Kins within the Tzolkin. You can click here or on the image below to see this entire cycle with its Gregorian dates and a brief reference to each archetype’s meaning.
In addition to getting in tune with the questions I will be sharing during each Wavespell, you can also visit the Daily Tzolkin each morning to read the message of the day in order to use it for guidance, meditate, reflect, open up to insights, and act as you get inspired.
Is the Tzolkin New to You?
If so, I am happy you got called to explore this wonderful tool for the soul, which serves as a roadmap to live consciously and bring more meaning into our lives in playful ways.
The Tzolkin calendar is based on 20 glyphs, archetypes or energies by 13 tones or numbers. In their combination, they create a matrix of 260 Kins where each day has a different energy (glyph/number).
Every 13 days, a new Wavespell starts. This period of 13 days has an underlying theme that is determined by the Kin that falls on the first day of the Wavespell (as today with the Red Dragon energy of new beginnings).
Every 4 Wavespells, a new Castle starts. Within the Tzolkin cycle there are 5 Castles of 52 days each.
My Wavespell messages are based on the Dreamspell interpretation of the Tzolkin, the Sacred Mayan calendar, in correlation with the 13Moon Calendar.
The invitation when you are getting familiar with it is to play and have fun without trying to approach it from your rational mind. Just allow yourself to embark on a new adventure filled with magic and synchronicities and let your intuition guide you. The paradox of the Tzolkin is that, while it may seem complicated at first, it helps to make your life more simple. Play, explore, enjoy and have fun! Understanding comes with practice.
There are two free webinars available online that you can listen to in order to get familiar with the main Tzolkin components (Tzolkin Basics) and how to use it daily to plan your days in meaningful ways (Tzolkin Daily Planner). You can also check the other webinars here.
If you want to learn it further and use this amazing tool to enhance your life and share it with others, my book Practical Guide to the Tzolkin is a great place to start.
NEW Tzolkin Daily Planner Now Available!
Digital Downloadable Format
Get the digital version of the Tzolkin Daily Planner here so you can print it out and start this new cycle by planning your days in synch with the daily energies! As you embody the Wavespell daily, this Planner is also a great companion to log any special experience, as a synchronicities, insights, dreams, events and others.
Wishing you Happy New Beginnings and lots of pampering in these days!
In Lak’esh & Munay,

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