Tzolkin, meaning the ‘Count of Days’ in Yucatecan, is the Sacred Mayan Calendar that was utilized by Mayan priests for ceremonies, rituals and divination purposes. This sacred calendar was followed by several Mesoamerican civilizations and, although expressed with different names and some nuances, they all consisted of a combination of 20 symbols by 13 numbers. The Cholq’ij, its name in Quiche, is still in use by the Day Keepers in Mayan communities of Highland Guatemala.
The 20 symbols or glyphs are energies or archetypes represented by names, and called Solar Seals in their modern term. The 13 numbers are expressed in dots and bars and are known as Lunar Tones. Both, glyphs and numbers, have a correlation to the human body (twenty fingers and toes and thirteen joints), and the entire 260-day cycle also relates to both human gestation (pregnancy) and agriculture cycles.
Each day has a unique combination of energies that influences us in certain ways. Getting consciously in tune with the cycle daily is a wonderful way to reconnect with our essence, feel part of the web of life and live in harmony with all existence!
Important clarification! There are two counts currently being followed, the Tzolkin in its modern interpretation (based on the Yucatec Mayan) and the Cholq’ij in its traditional form (Guatemalan). While they are based on the same basic components, the correlation with the Gregorian calendar differs, as well as the way of calculating one’s birth chart, among others. I was introduced to the Tzolkin in its modern version in 1999 and I have been following and teaching it for the last 20 years. It has been a truly beautiful, powerful and magical journey ever since, and filled with amazing synchronicities! There is no “right” or “wrong” count or one better than the other, both are great when experienced on a heart level and used in practical ways to grow and bring more beauty into the world! Human consciousness evolves, and so do tools. See what resonates with you and open up to experience its magic.
The Yucatec Mayan Tzolkin is the base of what was further developed in its modern version by Dr. José and Lloydine Argüelles as the Dreamspell, including new components and synchronized with the 13 Moon Calendar.
Each day of the Tzolkin’s 260-day cycle is known as a Kin, which is a combination of a glyph and a number. All 260 Kins create a matrix known as the Harmonic Module or Galactic Spin. Based on the day you were born, you will have one of those Kins or position within the matrix.
Each Kin and its supportive energies conform an Oracle. Becoming familiar with your Oracle of Birth allows you to know yourself better as you open up to a path filled with amazing opportunities of self-discovery and expansion into your greatest potential. ‘Energy flows where Attention goes‘… Once you become aware of your own energies and you get in tune with the cycle, you will be amazed by the increasing synchronicities and magic unfolding in your life!
The following section contains a general overview of the Tzolkin components. If you are interested to learn other features in the Dreamspell and about the 13 Moon Calendar, you can visit
Personal Kin
Your Personal Kin
Your Personal Kin or Galactic Signature is one of the 260 combinations within the Tzolkin matrix. Its Dreamspell name is composed by a color, a number (Lunar Tone) and an archetype or glyph (Solar Seal). As an example, Kin 1 is always Red Magnetic Dragon.
Combined with four other glyphs, it creates an Oracle, which involves other layers of information, each representing energies that have an influence on who you are. The Wavespell can be considered as a “week” of 13 days and the Castle as a “month” of 52 days. The glyphs, number, Wavespell and Castle are contained in the Tzolkin matrix, while the Year is based on the 13 Moon Calendar.
Knowing your Kin helps you to become aware of your own tendencies, how you interact with others and in which ways you can plan your life in alignment with the daily energies!
While technically incorrect, it is referred to as Mayan Chart, Mayan Zodiac, Mayan Horoscope or Mayan Astrology.
Oracle of Birth format
Your birth sign or main energy, based on the day you were born, is called Destiny Kin and it is located in the center of your Oracle of Birth. The energy above your Destiny Kin is called Guide Power, which shows you the way, and it is always in the same color as your Destiny Kin (Red, White, Blue or Yellow). The other complimentary energies to the right, bottom and left of your Destiny Kin are the Analog (your compatible energy), Occult (Hidden Power) and Antipode (Challenge or Life Lesson). Each will have one of the other colors.
To find your Personal Kin, visit the Daily Tzolkin.
Would you like to understand what this all means to you in very practical ways, and how you can integrate this information to enhance your life? Book your Oracle of Birth reading!
The 20 Tzolkin Archetypes
From Psychology’s perspective, the glyphs can be understood as archetypes or behavioral patterns. As in Western Astrology, they can be seen as an analogy to astrological signs. For the Mayans, the glyphs were vibratory energies that indicated a person’s tendencies and ways of accomplishing one’s mission in life.
These archetypes can be experienced in two different ways. When we live on a soul level and we make heart-centered choices, they are felt as pure energy and Light. As human beings, when living on an ego level and choosing out of fear, we experience the shadow aspects. This is why two people with the same Kin may have different attitudes towards life.
Based on your date of birth, you will have one of the archetypes as your main energy or sign. This energy in combination with the other glyphs in your personal oracle creates a specific frequency indicating why you have inclinations towards certain matters, and how you can do things differently.
In an Oracle Reading, we explore your combination of energies from both perspectives identifying in which ways you experience its light and shadow aspects. I share with you some tips and ideas in very practical ways and, if you are interested in further private sessions, we can continue working together in transforming your shadows into Light.
The more you know yourself, the easier it becomes to be clear with what you want to attract, what type of relationships you want to have, and how you can change what no longer serves you to create a more meaningful and happier life!
To know your main archetype, visit the Daily Tzolkin.
Click on one of the archetypes below to get a brief description of its meaning. Each has many layers! This is just a starting point with some of its main characteristics for you to continue exploring further.
If you want to learn about each archetype in depth, the Archetypes webinar is a fun and down-to-earth way to gain a deeper understanding of both the light and shadow aspects and actions for transformation that you can put in practice right away. Check it out and I would love to hear from you to see how you experienced it and which other layers you discovered along the way. 🙂
Would you like to understand what this all means to you in very practical ways, and how you can integrate this information to enhance your life? Book a personal reading!
The 13 Numbers
The 13 Lunar Tones are numbers known as the Tones of Creation and are represented by dots and bars:
These 13 numbers complement the glyphs by activating their qualities and providing information on how your personal mission or a daily task can be accomplished.
Each day has a specific creative power, which indicates a vibration and an action to take:
Magnetic Tone (1): Sets the Purpose and initiates a Wavespell
Lunar Tone (2): Presents the challenge
Electric Tone (3): Bonds and activates service
Self-Existing Tone (4): Gives form and structure
Overtone Tone (5): Empowers and gathers resources
Rhythmic Tone (6): Restores balance and organizes
Resonant Tone (7): Inspires and creates resonance
Galactic Tone (8): Facilitates integration
Solar Tone (9): Helps to move forward
Planetary Tone (10): Energy of manifestation
Spectral Tone (11): Releases and dissolves blockages
Crystal Tone (12): Shares with and learns from others
Cosmic Tone (13): Transcends and closes a Wavespell
Any process can be accomplished within these 13 steps!
From another perspective, the 13 numbers correlate to the 13 main joints in our body (ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck). A beautiful way to connect with and feel these 13 vibrations is by embodying them. As a way of meditation, try every morning to move each joint, starting with your right ankle, going up on the right side and after moving your neck, continue down on the left side until you get to your left ankle. Wave-spell, as you move it… magic happens!
To learn how to embody a Wavespell and get in tune with the daily energies, visit my blog. And subscribe to my newsletters to get the updates every 13 days.
To know your birth number or Lunar Tone, please visit the Daily Tzolkin.
Would you like to understand what this all means to you in very practical ways, and how you can integrate this information to enhance your life? Book your Oracle of Birth or Wavespell of Birth reading!
Wavespells of 13 Days
A Wavespell is a sequence of 13 numbers or Lunar Tones starting with Magnetic Tone (1) and ending with Cosmic Tone (13). The first day of the Wavespell sets its Purpose and the underlying theme for the next 13 days.
The Tzolkin cycle starts with the Red Dragon Wavespell (initiated by Red Magnetic Dragon) and ends with the Yellow Star Wavespell (initiated by Yellow Magnetic Star). In an Oracle of Birth, the Wavespell represents the “week” you were born. As an example, if you are White Planetary Dog (Kin 10), you were born on the 10th day of the Red Dragon Wavespell.
The concept of a Wavespell helps to understand the sequence and importance of the thirteen days on a larger scale:
- Our body has 13 joints, which facilitates physical movement
- There are 13 moons within a solar cycle or year
- Each Season of the year has 13 weeks
To know in which Wavespell you were born, please visit the Daily Tzolkin.
To receive updated information on current Wavespells, please subscribe to my newsletters.
Would you like to understand what this all means to you in very practical ways, and how you can integrate this information to enhance your life? Book your Wavespell of Birth reading!
Castles of 52 Days
One Tzolkin cycle of 260 days is divided in five periods of 52 days called Castles, and always follow the same color sequence of Red, White, Blue, Yellow, and Green. Each Castle is divided into 4 Wavespells of 13 days each.
In the same way that a Wavespell can be understood as a “week” of 13 days, a Castle can be seen as a “month” of 52 days. You will see below what the castles represent and which Wavespells each contain.
Red Castle
Wavespells: Red Dragon, White Wizard, Blue Hand, Yellow Sun
What are your goals for this cycle?
Process of Initiation!
White Castle
Wavespells: Red Skywalker, White World Bridger, Blue Storm, Yellow Human
What do you need?
Process of Organization!
Blue Castle
Wavespells: Red Serpent, White Mirror, Blue Monkey, Yellow Seed
What do you want to change?
Process of Transformation!
Yellow Castle
Wavespells: Red Earth, White Dog, Blue Night, Yellow Warrior
What have you learned?
Process of Giving!
Green Castle
Wavespells: Red Moon, White Wind, Blue Eagle, Yellow Star
Ready to give closure to this cycle?
Process of Transcending!
To know in which Castle you were born, please visit the Daily Tzolkin.
Would you like to understand what this all means to you in very practical ways, and how you can integrate this information to enhance your life? Book your Oracle of Birth reading!
13 Moon Calendar Year
The Year is determined by the Kin that corresponds with July 26, which represents the beginning of the 13 Moon Calendar. It always coincides with one of these four glyphs or energies.
Each Year is divided in 13 Moons of 28 days each and a Day out of Time. The 28 days per Moon are divided in 4 perfect weeks of seven days each. To learn more about the 13 Moon Calendar, visit the Law of Time.
Note: If you were born on July 25th (Day out of Time) or before, the Kin of your Year of birth corresponds to July 26 of the previous year.
To know in which Year you were born, visit the Daily Tzolkin.
Would you like to understand what this all means to you in very practical ways, and how you can integrate this information to enhance your life? Book an Oracle of Birth reading!
Tzolkin Matrix
Tzolkin Matrix
The Harmonic Module is the Tzolkin matrix that contains the 260 combinations of 20 glyphs by 13 numbers.
On the left side, you will find a reference column with the 20 archetypes from Red Dragon to Yellow Sun.
The 13 columns contain the 260 Kins from Kin 1 on the top left corner down to Kin 20, continuing on the top of the second column and so on until your reach Kin 260.
The Harmonic Module has 52 green cells called Galactic Activation Portals (GAP) days when the energy is felt with more intensity.
The seventh and central column, known as Mystic Column, contains the 20 Core Days and it represents the middle of the cycle. In the heart of the Tzolkin, between Kins 130-131, it is said to be when we are closer to Hunab Ku, the Supreme Creator, and visually represented in modern times with the symbol of the Galactic Butterfly:Using it as a daily synchronization tool is easier than it seems! I invite you to check the Guidelines in the Daily Tzolkin to learn how to read and practice it.
To get in tuned with the daily energies, please visit the Daily Tzolkin.
For personal guidance on how to use the Tzolkin matrix for planning purposes based on your own energies, please schedule a Personal Planning Session.
GAP Days
Galactic Activation Portal Days (GAP)
There are 52 green cells in the Harmonic Module known as Galactic Activation Portals creating a shape similar to the DNA structure of double helix. José Argüelles called this grid the Loom of Maya, helping to activate our DNA’s full potential by linking both the macro and micro cosmos.
A ‘portal’ means a gateway, an entrance to other dimensional frequencies, representing days when the energies are felt with more intensity and our awareness is amplified.
If you are connected with life on a soul level, these days present great opportunities to consciously accelerate your awakening journey by gaining a better understanding of cosmic wisdom. And, if you are living caught in the illusions created by the ego, these days can also be felt as turbulent and “chaotic”.
The Blue Castle is referred to as the Castle of Burning, as it allows a deeper transformation to occur. It is known for its intensity since it contains the two Galactic Activation Portal columns of 10 intense consecutive GAP days each, and the Mystic Column in the middle.
To know if you were born on a GAP day or see when the next one is, visit the Daily Tzolkin.
Would you like to understand what this all means to you in very practical ways, and how you can integrate this information to enhance your life? Book a personal reading!
Mystic Column
Mystic Column & Core Days
The Mystic Column, highlighted in purple as a reference, is the seventh and central column representing the middle of the Harmonic Module and Tzolkin cycle.
The 20 Core Days contained in this column represent a period of attunement, a time to be fully present in each moment, to go within, rest and take care of oneself.
This column symbolically represents our spine, which keeps us straight and centered. It is located in between the two GAP-day columns and, while still felt for its strength, it allows us to pause and realign within the intensity of the Blue Castle of Transformation.
To know if you were born on a Core day or see when the next Mystic Column starts, visit the Daily Tzolkin.
Would you like to understand what this all means to you in very practical ways, and how you can integrate this information to enhance your life? Book a personal reading!
New to Tzolkin
New to the Tzolkin?
If all this is new to you, I am sure your first reaction was: “Oh Gosh! Will I ever be able to understand it??” Don’t worry, you are not the only one! 😄
As there are several cycles within cycles and they all happen at the same time, it may feel overwhelming at the beginning. The invitation is to play and have fun without trying to approach it from your analytical mind. As you experience it with joy, magic manifests and synchronicities abound!
The interesting paradox of the Tzolkin is that, while it may seem complicated at first, it helps to make our lives easier. And understanding comes with practice!
Would you like to try it and experience the Tzolkin magic for yourself? Start here.
And to make it even more special and learn how to integrate it in your daily life, you can book a personal session.
Have Fun and enjoy the journey!