Any Tzolkin Oracle refers to a chart with the combination of energies for a specific person, day, year or relationship. The following oracles in their modern interpretation have the same basic format, but refer to different readings. Although they differ in nature, a reference to their correlation with Western Astrology is included in brackets.
Oracle of Birth (Birth Chart, Natal Chart)
The Oracle of Birth in its modern terms is a chart showing the combination of energies that were present on the day you were born.

Becoming conscious of your essence helps you to expand your awareness, create harmonious relationships with your own self, with others and with all of creation, grow into your greatest potential and unfold your purpose in this life.
In other words, this reading serves as a wake-up call to get out of the automatic pilot, to know better who you are and to fully step into your own power so you can manifest the life you want. Also, identifying blockages and acknowledging your shadows is a great way to release the old and transform whatever you want to change in this moment of your life.
During the session, we will explore together each component of your oracle, referring to both light and shadow aspects.
Note: You celebrate your Galactic Birthday every 260 days while your Gregorian birthday happens every 365 days. Both meet on the same day for the first time after 52 years.
Oracle of Transit (Solar Return, Solar Revolution)
As in Western astrology, an Oracle of Birth represents the birth chart and an Oracle of Transit or Oracle of the Year is similar to a solar return. The Tzolkin consists of a 260-day cycle and the exact combination of energies coincides with the same Gregorian date only every 52 years. In other words, a person will have different unique oracles of transit for the first 51 years, and Oracle of the Year on the 52nd birthday equals the Oracle of Birth. From 52 onwards, the energies follow the same pattern as from birth and therefore present you with a wonderful opportunity for a conscious re-birth.
The Oracle of Transit embodies the energies you are transiting in a specific year, from birthday until the day before your next birthday. This oracle helps you to get acquainted with those aspects you may want to pay special attention to during the year.
Combined Oracle (Composite Chart, Compatibility Chart, Synastry)
A Combined Oracle is a chart between two or more people. From an oracle perspective, any relationship (couple, partners, family members, others) can be interpreted by looking at the way the individual oracles of birth relate to each other. Are the energies compatible? Challenging?
Another way of interpreting any relationship is by creating a third oracle, which is the sum of all the individual oracles. The Combined Oracle or Oracle of Relationships gives specific information about the relationship as an entity in itself.
And a third way of reading it is by considering how each individual relates to the combined oracle or the energy of the relationship itself.
During this session, we will cover the three different viewpoints. Unless the other person is also present (or people), it is important to clarify that this reading is shared only in the way it relates to you and we don’t go over other people’s personal energies.