The Haab calendar was one of the 17 calendars used by the Mayans as a civil calendar. It consisted of 365 days divided in 18 months of 20 days each and 5 additional days called Uayeb.
The Tzolkin and the Haab calendars combined form a 52-year cycle called the Calendar Round, which means that every 73 Tzolkin cycles both calendars meet and during 18,980 days the daily energies are different.
After 52 years, your Galactic Birthday and Gregorian Birthday meet again on the same day for the first time and, as of your 52nd birthday onwards, the entire pattern of energies from your date of birth repeats itself, giving you a wonderful opportunity for a conscious re-birth!
From an oracle perspective, in this life you will have one Oracle of Birth and 51 Oracles of Transit. Both oracles are exactly the same when you turn 52. When you become 53, you will be transiting the same energies as when you were 1 year old. On your 54th birthday, it will be the same as when you were 2 years old, and so on. The second round helps us to clear old wounds from the past or restore what was lost as we grew up.
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