As a true citizen of the world, I have been influenced by many teachers from different continents on the journey to get connected with my inner world. Over two decades ago, I was introduced to the Tzolkin and other wonderful tools, and my life has been guided by nature’s cycles and universal wisdom ever since. I have been sharing my path and experiences through personal readings and sessions, group activities, ceremonies and trips to sacred sites.
Walking the Talk
Born in Argentina on the Day out of Time (July 25), my lifelong dream has been to create a better world for all! My formal education includes a Bachelor degree in International Relations and an MBA in International Business. My business career with United Nations and in Global Logistics took me all around the world, while constantly being exposed to new cultures and alternate ways of living. After 21 years of combining practical spirituality with my work in the corporate world, I finally decided to devote all of my time to conscious living by accompanying others in their awakening and transformational journeys.
So… What do I do?
When I quit my corporate job and people started asking me “so… what exactly are you going to do?”, I couldn’t find a suitable ‘title’ that would describe it. Life Coach, maybe? Spiritual Guide? Mentor? Nothing really convinced me. There is a word in Quechua that I love, which perfectly describes who I am and what I do: Chakaruna, a bridge person. I bridge the old and the new, the visible and invisible, the human and spiritual. I bridge different traditions, people and places in ways that a person can work in a very formal and ‘corporate’ environment, and still experience life in magical ways! As a Yellow Electric Star born in the White World Bridger Wavespell, I use my creativity to share what I have learned and guide others in an original and personal way, as I continue bridging my worlds.
My practice is based on an integration of different modalities including “Mayan Astrology” in its modern interpretation, Andean cosmovision, Munay-Ki Rites, Native Medicine Wheel, Chakras and other creative tools with a holistic approach for soul expression, conscious evolution, personal growth and transformation. I am also the author of the book Practical Guide to the Tzolkin.

“I realized that for changing the world, I had to start by changing myself first”
In Lak’esh & Munay,

In Lak’esh means “I am another yourself!”, a Mayan greeting that recognizes the Divine in each living being. It’s a message of Unity that reminds us that, when we give, we are also receiving. In this way, the Mayan honored and respected each other, reinforcing the belief that we are all interconnected: what we do to others and to our environment will also affect ourselves in the end…
Munay means both ‘Love’ and ‘Beauty’ in Quechua, the language of the Incas. Munay, translated as ‘To love’, is one of the three principles of the Andean way.